Resveratrol – I Love Wine, Not 41 Glasses a Day!

Are health benefits of resveratrol in red wine another excuse to drink wine?  The latest hype about drinking red wine comes from the benefits of resveratrol which is in this wonderful social drink.

Resveratrol might be a key ingredient in red wine that helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces “bad” cholesterol and prevents blood clots.   The studies supporting red wine suggest antioxidants in red wine called polyphenols help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart.  

However, research on resveratrol has been conducted on animals, not people.  Research in mice given resveratrol has indicated that the antioxidant might also help protect them from obesity and diabetes, both of which are strong risk factors for heart disease.

Some of the other benefits that resveratrol reports claim that it offers include:

* lowering the risk of heart disease
* lowering cholesterol levels
* boosting the metabolism and helping speed attempted weight loss
* increasing sex drive
* helping protect against Alzheimer’s disease

 How Much Resveratrol Is In Wine

In order to understand how much resveratrol is in wine, one must realize that resveratrol is a natural substance made by grapes and other plants in response to fungal infection.

How much resveratrol is in a glass of wine depends, first, on whether the grapes were grown organically, and, second, how the wine was made. Grapes sprayed with pesticides that prevent fungal infection contain little, if any, resveratrol.  Wines grown in dry climates have less resveratrol than those grown in humid areas. Red wines contain more than white because of how red wine is made. The end result of all of this is that organic red wines from certain areas of Europe contain the highest level of resveratrol. But most wines contain either no resveratrol at all, or very little (less than a milligram per glass). 

That’s a Lot of Wine to Drink

To get the same dose of resveratrol used in the mice studies, a person would have to consume 100 to 1,000 bottles of red wine a day.  Or, since a glass of wine is approximately 5 and 1/3 ounces, a person taking one 20-mg resveratrol supplement is the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 41 glasses of red wine. I love drinking wine, but even 20 glasses a day of wine would take the fun out enjoying a nice bottle of Zinfandel or Pinot Noir.

While it is important to point out that a lot of the research on this wine extract has been done only in test tubes or rodents, the sheer volume suggests that resveratrol is one of the most versatile and effective plant compounds discovered so far. Resveratrol represents a novel solution to many common problems encountered by aging humans.

For me, if I want resveratrol in my diet, I’m turning to a supplement.  I will still enjoy my glass of red wine.  After all the experts still say a glass of red wine in moderation is beneficial.

Red wine still has its benefits as most wine drinkers enjoy wine while relaxing, socializing with friends and family sipping a nice glass of wine.  Mediation, laughing and being with people all are proven health benefits.  I’ll tip my glass of Cab to your health.